7 of the Best DIY Christmas Gift Ideas for 2022

7 of the Best DIY Christmas Gift Ideas for 2022

Today we will look the top 9 DIY Christmas gift ideas for 2022. The below list is compiled of research into the trends of 2022 and delivering you, the best possible list.

In each of the categories below we will include some very impressive pieces of DIY that you can use as inspiration for your own beautiful designs.

If you wish to take any of these ideas on board, please post online and #eBadges on Instagram or tag us using @eBadges.

1 – DIY Greeting Cards

A card! What could be easier??? You’re right, nothing.

It is the simplest form of DIY yet involves all the creative juices you can imagine. The design can go from a simple drawing of Santa Claus to using different materials to create your masterpiece.

The best thing is, if you go wrong, just restart and go again.

Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards

2 – Christmas Badges

Why not go niche?

The badge creation industry has boomed since the dreaded covid-19 pandemic. More and more creative individuals are turning their hobby into “side hustles”, with one newcomer being badges.

Are you surprised? The variety and range with something as simple as a badge are enormous.

Have a birthday? A badge.

Hen or Stag party? A badge.

Special celebratory events? A badge of course!

Just get yourself a badge machine and some components and you are well away! Make the most of our brilliant starter kit which has everything you need to get started at an unrivalled price – Starter Kit

Christmas Badges

Christmas Badges


3 – DIY Reindeer

Who doesn’t love a reindeer?

Rudolph is iconic to all children, the beacon for Santa to complete his worldwide trip.

Reindeers are the perfect DIY craft to help relieve the creative juices trapped within a child. They can create their own new reindeer to carry Santa through the night.

Maybe instead of Rudolph’s iconic red glow it could be a bright pink or blue light.



4 – DIY Elf

The elf has taken the world by storm in recent years, in particular, with the elf on the shelf.

Kids love the idea of a mischievous elf that causes havoc amongst homes. To the annoyance of the adults, who subsequently clean up the mess.

The emergence of this little guy has excelled the popularity of elves. If you have your own website or want something to do with the kids, why not expand the elf on the shelf family and let the kids bring their own elves to life!

Elf On The Shelf True

Elf On The Shelf  (https://elfontheshelf.com/)

5 – DIY Christmas Cracker

The perfect Christmas gift for a teen.

A Christmas cracker? Yep, because you can do anything you want with it.

Every year I have given a different family member a “Christmas Cracker” styled gift. Simply get your gift, should it be chocolate, wine, or something sophisticated like a mug. All you do is wrap it up leaving plenty at each end and scrunch it near where the gift ends creating a cracker type effect.

Christmas Crackers

Christmas Crackers


6 – DIY Wreath

A pinnacle of any exterior Christmas decoration. There is plenty on the market you can buy but nothing quite comes close to a home-made product.

A wreath is the perfect DIY project to get kids involved.

If you want to make it truly home grown, send your children (or yourself) to go collect the resources from the wild! A fresh pinecone with an element of white spray-paint would go down a treat and really make your door pop this Christmas.

Something subtle and elegant to go with your large and vibrant, hopefully not to the same level of the Griswold’s! (National Lampoons Christmas classic for those who don’t get the reference)

Christmas Wreath

Christmas Wreath


7 – Hamper

We have just discussed numerous ideas you could try at home, let’s say you pick 3 of those ideas but aren’t sure who to give the gifts to…

Why not create your own hampers and really show off to your family how brilliantly crafty you are.

A great one is grandparents; they love all the heartfelt gifts that have taken time and care to create rather than a store-bought item.


Christmas Hamper


There are only a few examples of DIY Christmas Craft ideas on show here, there are many more options you could undertake to create that perfect gift.

Looking for some more ideas? See our previous blog for more ideas.

We hope you got some wonderful new ideas to help with your Christmas Crafts.

Have wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!